How many times does it happen that a product is introduced in the market, and it has everything a consumer would expect? Not many times, right? Well,...

Android gadgets are one of the most well-liked gadgets that are used for Smartphone, tablets and other smart devices. These gadgets are based on Linux...

Summer is about to end and you have taken some time off work so that you can spend some time with the family. Tickets are booked and you are all set to...

Batteries in mobile devices have undergone many changes in the past decade. Older cell phones used to last only a few hours, even without apps or other...

In today’s age of hack-attacks and mass surveillance, more and more people have started seeking out security. Since your device is constantly seeking...

When you stop and take a look around, you’ll notice that there’s a lot of electronic devices out there, with more added every day. There’s...

As the world is moving forward so is the technology along with it. Nowadays everybody has a cell phone or smart phone which can also be called tiny computers,...

According to the Wall Street Journal – citing an internal HTC email – reported that the Taiwanese mobile maker has reorganizes its US operations and...

Sony today announced two new smartphone models added to its Xperia range of premium smartphone along with Xperia SP and Xperia L. While Xperia SP offers...

Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer with this year’s letter to shareholders spells out very clearly that the tech giant taking a shift towards a devices and services company. The company is just days away to launch its major hardware product, the Surface RT tablet, along with the next instalment of Windows operating system. “This is a significant shift,” says...