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Big business houses whether they are involved in banking, communications or petrochemicals always have a dedicated team of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) professionals who take care of the business’s IT needs. From setting up networks to handling day to day issues, replacing outdated hardware or even developing in-house software, a dedicated ICT department can take care of it all. But if the scale of your operations is not too big, bringing together an ICT team might not be worth the time, effort and money that you...

If you want to make a sale, spending an hour talking to a group of prospective customers can be a great way to gather leads. This is the opportunity you have when you’re giving a speech. Are you making the most of it, or do you let those potential leads walk out the door? Here are some tips on using your public speaking to win new clients and boost your business success. Think about the bigger picture Rather than limiting your thinking to the speech you are going to give, it pays to see the entire event as a marketing opportunity....

Companies are always on the lookout for ways of improving their processes to not only improve the productivity of their staff, but also their morale. A happy workforce is far more likely to produce their finest work day after day, meeting deadlines and arriving at work each day in a positive mood, whereas an unhappy workforce is much more likely to spend their time clock-watching and waiting to go home, meaning they’re not giving their tasks their full attention and they might even fall below quality standards and miss deadlines. The...

Being in charge is not always easy, and how effectively you lead has a huge impact on the success of your business. One of the keys to being a better boss is always being on the lookout for tips on how to accomplish this worthwhile goal. Here are just a few tips to get you started…. Management is Not One Size Fits All There are certainly some core aspects of being a good boss; everyone has their own style of management. But, with that being said, it is important to remember the uniqueness of your employees, and that not everyone...

With so many projects to handle and so many clients to deal with, managers all over are in need of a software for project planning that can help put their plans in place and allocate resources to get them executed in time. The team at Comindware have recognized this need of managers and developed the Comindware Project, a software solution that lets you simplify project planning and concentrate on its execution. When using Comindware Project, managers can say goodbye to hours and days of effort that is usually put to manually schedule...

People since the passing of Civil Rights Act and Pregnancy Act have increasingly been more proactive with the issue of diversity in work environments. People are increasily being more welcome to new cultures, ideas and racial input from different sectors of the society. In the workplace is where the issue of diversity proves to be a compelling topic. There has been an increased status for so many years in the leadership roles of ethnically diverse people in companies today, and we have the history of progressive thinking to thank for...

A company is a gathering of the most excellent creative artists, doers, achievers, professionals, writer, and experts. A company is hard to run only if the company is not run to the dedication of the progress of the employees. Rights of the employees should always be acknowledged, improved, they should be able to impress the most academic and poetic experts on career improvement. Money, impressive vacation time and light workload don’t come near to the real reasons that make a workplace very ideal to workers and these reasons are not...

When you are new to the business world, it can be uncomfortable when you’re in a situation where you need to negotiate. It may seem that everyone else around you is more experienced, both in the business and in negotiation. There are skills you can learn to help you gain confidence in negotiations. These abilities will be valuable for you the rest of your career, as no matter what position you are in, you will be called upon to negotiate from time to time. Spending time learning these techniques now can be a good career move. Be...

Sometimes morale in a company is low, and that has a negative effect on employee productivity. Low morale can come about due to many reasons, including financial stresses, recent layoffs, negative publicity about the company, perceived lack of opportunity, or more. Whatever the reason, it is in a business owner’s best interests to do what they can to boost employee morale.  Low morale translates into a less efficient work force, which can directly impact your bottom line. One way to boost morale at your company is to bring in a...

How important are leadership skills in negotiations? Can they help our businesses thrive? There’s definitely a connection between leaders and negotiations; as a matter of fact, executives, CEOs, managers and company owners, should all have the ability to bargain. Poor negotiation skills will cripple your company and you’ll end up losing key customers. While some strategies are classic, others are meant for experienced leaders willing to go to extreme lengths to ensure the success of their organization. Magic, luck and emotions...