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When it comes to dealing with health and safety, no business owner can afford to overlook the essentials. If you’ve launched a new firm this year, you will have a lot to think about when it comes to making sure your office is a hazard-free as possible for your team. We’ve compiled a list of tips that should help to point you in the right direction. However, it’s vital that you use your head and always remain on the lookout for any improvements that could be made. Our tips are simply there to highlight some of the issues you might...

It might put you off to know that the majority of startups don’t do that good a job of hiring staff the first time round. How hard can it be to find someone who’s got what it takes to help your company grow? Very, apparently! If you want to avoid the mistakes that most startups make when hiring, then use this guide. Here’s what startups need to know about employing staff: Don’t Take on Too Much Responsibility At the end of the day, you need a team to help you get everything done. You can’t do too many things without burning out;...

There are two things that make a company great: the product or service it provides, and the people who work there. Obviously, a company that wants to be great needs great people working for them. Recruiting such talent is a daunting task, but it can be done. Once you have these awesome employees on board, that’s the end of the story, right? No, not really. Actually, the story has just begun. After all, now that you have these people, you need to keep them on the payroll. Think of it like a romantic relationship. Any relationship...

As an employer, it is not only your duty, but also a necessity to review your employees’ performance from time to time. A timely review not only helps you appreciate the good work done by your employees, but also helps you  spot performance drops quickly and make necessary amends where required. There are many methods by which you can review your employee performance. The common ones include asking managers to review their subordinates, but the new style of doing this would be to seek a 360 degree feedback about your employees. Here’s...

Going into business for yourself might be the biggest undertaking of your life. But like anything worth doing, it will be difficult, and there will be mistakes along the way. Every business is different, but from tech startups to arts-and-crafts stores, every new venture has similarities – and can fall victim to the same mistakes. Follow this guide to making sure your ambition doesn’t outweigh your success. Don’t Count Your Chickens As discussed in “Top 3 Financial Mistakes Young Professionals Make,” one...

The success of any company depends primarily on its employees. How can you expect your employees to do their best for your company if you do not willing to return the favour? Many companies think that it is enough to pay salaries to its workers for them to be happy and satisfied but that is not enough. Workers that are not rewarded for their good work won’t give you anything more than they are paid for. Would you? This doesn’t mean that you need to increase salaries of ally employees to make sure they give you 110%. There are many...

Meet Grumpy, Sleepy, Dopey, Sneezy, Bashful, Happy, and, of course, the resident know-it-all, Doc. You may think of this as a list of Snow White’s seven short friends, but these monikers may actually apply to the collection of assorted characters that make up your staff. Yes, the workplace is populated by a myriad people with unique personalities, different values, diverse cultural backgrounds, and varied abilities. And managing them takes expertise. So how can you motivate a Sleepy, build confidence in a Bashful, and harness the...

As you are reading this, I will assume that you have a job. And I’ll also assume that, as part of your work, you need to travel abroad sometimes to work on-site or visit other company offices. Let’s face it; we all love traveling. It’s a chance to broaden one’s horizons and learn more about the world we live in. But when it comes to business travel, we have to approach the objective with a more formal attitude. If you are reading this because it’s your first time traveling abroad for business, help is at hand! In today’s...

If you want a successful business, you need to do something that you probably didn’t even realise. Keep your employees loyal! Your customers are important, but so are your employees. If you can’t keep them loyal, they could leave, bad mouth your business, and stop people from coming to you. You also don’t want people to begin to wonder why you have a high staff turnover. These tips will help you to keep your employees loyal: Buy Them Lunch Buying your employees lunch every so often might seem silly, but it can really work. If they’ve...

Are you planning on starting a business? If so, you will soon be joining the ranks of other entrepreneurs determined to take more control of their lives! Working for yourself is an exciting and rewarding prospect. It’s something that only those with a real entrepreneurial spirit succeed in doing. You will doubtless have spent some time researching the ins and outs of starting up a new business. But one thing you might know be sure of is how to keep your costs down during those crucial early stages. The good news is that, today, you...