Alexandra Ashton

Alexandra Ashton, Communications at Neomam Studios , the UK based Infographic Agency. Alexandra is a content and design enthusiast with a keen eye for detail.

Sexy, cute, funny and sometimes a little bizarre: these are just some examples that can define the art of Cosplay, apparently geeks’ favorite playtime....

For nearly 30 years scientists have been studying the idea that creating a zombie is possible. With the onset of zombie popularity firmly entrenched in...

As various millionaires who govern us have been pointing out for some time, financially things are getting quite difficult, especially for those who happen...

Middle Earth is a vast landscape created in the mind of British author J.R.R.Tolkein, and for many years fans of the stories had to make their own destinations...

Do you ever wonder what’s beyond the stars you can see at night? Or what is the Moon hiding? The human race has been thinking and thinking about these...

When you think about donating your money, do you know which steps you are supposed to take? Most people don’t know and that is why we have this amazing...

While the world keeps aging, it’s possible to notice an increase in the number of citizens that are concerned with their physical, mental and cultural...

In 2011, the fans of the television series “The Walking Dead” shivered with emotion after AMC was able to renew the contract for a third and fourth...

How did we come up with the idea of eating something sweet at the end of our meals? Well, let’s go back to the Middle Ages, when the banquets didn’t...

It looks like the North-American tradition of “something blue” during a wedding day has spread like wild fire into the runways across the world. Or...