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The construction industry is not a cheap one to work. High costs of hire and high costs of production. So it’s no wonder that one of the biggest risks to any company is a failure to be cost effective. It can come from all kinds of sources, so we’re going to try break down the best ways to be a lot smarter with finances in the construction industry. Credit Managing your clients One of the first thoughts that will arise in any firm owner’s head when talking about money is the client. That’s where it all comes from, after all. In...

All businesses wish they could save more money. But with all their commitments to staff and suppliers, this can be difficult. However, there are still ways, despite appearances, to make this happen. Here are some quirky tips to help your business get on its way towards more robust financial health. Go Green Image Source – Going green used to be seen as something that was a burden for businesses. It was something that the Apples and the Teslas of the world did because they had the money to do it. It wasn’t something...

Infographic by Securenow. Used with permission. ...

Image from Pixabay There are a range of factors which dictate the success of any ecommerce business. From the quality of the products they sell to the customer’s experience with your website, you should never run out of things to improve. One thing which a lot of new business owners tend to neglect is their shipping. If you want to give your customers one more reason to love you, then here’s how to improve your shipping! Image from Public Domain Images My first tip would be to shop around more for shipping rates. These days, a lot...

We have written many articles on the value and the highest state of the art nature of the trading platform that XTrade has. But we have not talked much about their CFD trading. As you know, not all CFD trading brokers are created the same. It’s just like in any other industry where you have companies who are really good and those who aren’t so good. This company just so happens to be one of the best at what they. This is a broker many people trust with their money. They are definitely a company that you should learn to use...

Picture Source We’re all told about how we need to invest our money as early as possible. The first chance you get you should be trying to make waves on the stock market. But this isn’t always easy to do, particularly when you’re on a low level of pay. What you save, you might not be able to risk on investments. You don’t want to take the chance and lose it all. But having a low income shouldn’t turn you off investing completely. In fact, there are a few ways that you can still invest. First, you should figure out the absolute...

Flickr It has been said that there are two ways to make money. You can work for it, or you can have assets earn it for you. (Although I would argue that, technically, there’s plain luck. You could just inherit a bunch of money. Then it’s basically just falling into your lap. Or you could just find some on the street, although I doubt you’re going to find a significant amount. Anyway, I digress.) If you’ve recently come into a lot of money, then I’ve got a couple of things to say. First of all: I’m slightly...

The internet is by far the greatest invention of the past 25 years. Its popularity growth has been instrumental in changing modern life as we know it. We’re now all totally reliant on those online activities. Whether it’s through our smartphones or our laptops, we’re all connected to the World Wide Web. Average usage has shot through the roof in recent years, but flirting with your ex on Facebook isn’t the only use for the internet. It can be used to improve our lives in many different aspects. In truth, finance is a key feature...

We spend a big part of our incomes in buying our homes, decorating them and making them comfy. But also spend most our time, away from it, either at work or travelling for work. Returning to an empty house also means additional cleaning and bills of upkeep. MadeComfy, a simple rental service, working for both, you and its clients, has found a way to not only keep you house clean but also generate revenue from it while you are away. By simply renting your house to travellers when you are away, MadeComfy ensures that house cleaned regularly,...

Over the last four decades, people in the US and the UK have seen their real incomes stagnate. The median wage has barely risen since the 1970s. And the vast majority of the productivity growth we have had has gone into making the top 10 percent a lot – lot -richer. What’s driving this trend is the topic of another post. But what is clear is that people are tired of being stuck in the doldrums of low-wage jobs and few prospects. We’re desperate to increase our incomes to pay down debts and achieve the lifestyle we feel...