According to Yonhap News report, South Korea’s Fair Trade Commission Watchdog has cleared Google over unfairly using Android to aid its search business...

Google just sent out an invitation to press members for inviting them for an event which is going to take place on July 24th. The event will be led by...

Google today announced the release of Chrome 29 beta for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android, bringing omnibox suggestions based on “recency” of visited...

Ouya is an open source gaming console built on an Android framework that recently went on sale on June 25th. There’s been some buzz about it among...

With yesterday only Google unveiled Chrome 28 desktop version, the company today announced the release of Chrome 28 for Android, bringing built-in Google...

Google has updated Google Maps for Android app, bringing navigation and discovery improvements. The company first update its Maps service with new UI...

With earlier images leaked and LG itself hinted that it will be going to unveiled the snapdragon 800-powered Optimus G2 in its NYC event next month, Engadget...

Facebook today announced that it has updated its Android app with bringing folders for its Home launches; News Feed embeds inside messages. Other updates...

Google today updated its Platform Versions web page for Android. The update revealed that Android Jelly Bean i.e. Android 4.1 and Android 4.2 are reading...

Twitter today announced that it has updated its Mac, iOS, Android, mobile apps with bringing in major improvements on board. The first among them to receive...