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“The Farmers Market” – an online drug market used the Tor Project allowing suppliers to anonymously sell their ware online to buyers in 35 countries. The store provided buyers with order forms, forums, and customer service, and accepted various forms of payment, including PayPal and Western Union, according to the 66-page indictment. The feds has arrested...

Socializing the exit poll results from the upcoming French presidential election will be called as “against” the law. There are strict rules in France that prohibit the broadcasting of polls or exit surveys under voting period have closed completely. With the same urge, the French commission for opinion poll has decided to restrict social media. French publication Journal du Dimanche reported that even it results in election’s cancellation, either from broadcast media or the 5.2 million Twitter users and 40 million Facebook users...

Iraq seems emerging from isolation as telecommunication hub as the country recently took a big step out and moves a step further into the world of digitalization when its telecommunications system was linked to a vast new undersea cable system serving the Gulf countries. The new cable will speed Internet and telephone traffic to India in the East and Sicily in the...

Remember the long known ACTA, the controversial anti-counterfeit and copyright treaty is one step closer to being thrown out after the guiding “rapporteur” for the treaty warned fellow parliamentarians not to pass the agreement in Europe’s 27 member states. The blow that could derail the European efforts to ratify the agreement came as new rapporteur David Martin MEP told his fellow members of the European Parliament to reject the bill when it comes before them later this year. Martin said in his written recommendations [PDF]: “The...

In an age of technology, where technology lets you take a grasp above new heights it sometimes even help you in better way. This is what it happened for an Indian man who was separated from his family as a 5-year old. Saroo Brierley tells BBC magazine that he was accompanying his older brother on a train trip in 1986 when he fell asleep and awoke 14 hours later in...

The Financial Times is reporting that Apple is preparing to audit its Chinese supply chain for pollution and will begin joint investigations with a local environmental group in the next few weeks. The publication states that Apple’s one of the partners is set to be inspected by the company and the China-based Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE)...

With the recent Neowin interview with the producer, Mark Hulme, a few more details have been revealed for the Steve Jobs movie starting Ashton Kutcher. The movie will cover the life of Apple’s late CEO Steve Jobs from 1971 to 2000. The first-time producer said that, unsurprisingly, they chose Kutcher to play the role of Jobs because of his likeness to the Apple...

In order to pay tribute to the great Apple’s co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs, Brazil’s Jundiai city council named one of its street as “Steve Jobs Avenue”. Brazilian blog has published the official documents confirming the move, which were signed by Mayor Michael Haddad on March 27. Steve Jobs Avenue includes Goiás Avenue Road and the Anhanguera Highway region. The council actually announced that it would commemorate Steve with a street a day after his passing last year, but city officials only confirmed the...

Back in January we reported that WikiLeaks’s Julian Assange will be hosting a series of in-depth conversation with key political leaders, thinkers and revolutionaries from around the world. The series is tagged with the theme – the world tomorrow. According to a statement today on the Wikileaks Twitter account, Julian Assange has completed filming twelve episodes...

With the Olympics 2012 round the corner, Dutch data center management company Interxion has revealed plans to bunk employees in its London facilities right next to the servers they maintain, fearing that its London staff could create traffic jams and mass transit overloads which results in getting into the office not on a reasonable amount of required time. Slashdot...