Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at I2Mag is a team of subject experts.

There’s been a shift in how people play their favourite casino games in these uncertain times. Lots of people are continually searching for...

Tiktok is a widely growing social media platform that allows you to upload short one-minute videos that your followers and the rest of the world can...

Whether you are an aggressive investor or just a conservative saver, most financial experts agree that a smart financial plan requires you to find...

Starting a side project can be exciting and super fun. Unlike the work you get paid for every month, side projects allow you to focus on your passions...

We’ve all likely stayed later at work when we’ve been super busy or had to catch up on work, however sadly, in recent years, long working days...

There’s hardly any industry in the world today that hasn’t experienced topsy-turvy in one way or the other. With travel restrictions in place,...

With the colder months well and truly on their way and Christmas just around the corner, many millions of people are destined to spend more time indoors...

If you’re an artist who’s been seriously thinking about making the shift from old fashioned charcoal and paper to the digisphere, you’re not...

Upcoming home theater software providers now offer many choices for PC use. While most people have gotten used to steaming services like Network and...

Online gaming is the favorite pastime of many. From card and casino games to more immersive narrative games, there is pretty much a game for everyone...