Microsoft today announced that it will be going to stop supporting linked accounts for in late July. The company said that “a lot of things...

Microsoft today announced that it has updated Bing’s Voice Search for Windows Phone 8 which now in turn will return twice as fast results as compared...

The Verge is reporting that Microsoft’s upcoming gaming console, the Xbox One will get support in 21 countries where Xbox One-supported Xbox Live account...

Google just announced that it is saying a good bye to Chrome Frame and will be opting for Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, a plug-in which will bring...

Microsoft and Best Buy today announced a strategic partnership in which the duo will create the Windows Store only at Best Buy. The store –within-a-store...

With giving an extra edge for security for its Windows Azure, Microsoft has announced a multi-factor verification named Active Authentication vide mobile...

Remember the last year $1.2 billion Microsoft’s acquisition Yammer. The company announced today that now the users can make Yammer as their default social...

Microsoft today announced that it has updated its Bing Maps with now nearly 270 terabytes of data (or the equivalent of 100,000 DVDs) with following the...

Microsoft today detailed out the way on how Xbox One will require an internet connection, it’s used games policy and its Kinect privacy through a series...

It was just last week only when Microsoft unveiled Windows 8.1, formerly known as Windows Blue and today as expected, Paul Thurrott shared two images of...