Alexandra Ashton

Alexandra Ashton, Communications at Neomam Studios , the UK based Infographic Agency. Alexandra is a content and design enthusiast with a keen eye for detail.

When you get old everything changes. You can no longer do everything you want and your whole body stops listening to you. It is not easy to deal with that...

Surely you all can remember how your mother always managed to keep everything under her control. Now that you’re a mother, it is no wonder you want...

More and more people make decision to become vegetarian. That may be because they want to make healthier life choices or because they are against animal...

Our lifestyles have changed a lot during time.  How much time in your day do you spend sitting down? For most people this number is frighteningly high,...

No matter how hard you try to make your home stylish and fashionably there are always some things that do not fit into the overall design. Many people...

One of the favourite films of all fans of science fiction is not even a single movie, but the whole film series. The film series Star Wars have attracted...

Working hard and ungrateful job could make anyone go crazy.  Most people are happy to do any job at all which is why they will bear with various injustices...

Where are you planning to go on your vacation this year? Vacation is a great time to relax and escape the stress of your usual life, which is why you should...

While the prices of alcohol are growing in Britain because increasing taxes it’s nice to know that you have other options. City of Calais is located...

If you like science fiction then you have surely watched Doctor Who TV show. This amazing show is over 50 years old and it still attracts numerous watchers....