Alexandra Ashton

Alexandra Ashton, Communications at Neomam Studios , the UK based Infographic Agency. Alexandra is a content and design enthusiast with a keen eye for detail.

Your bathroom should be your oasis of peace and tranquillity. This is the place where you can retreat to relax in the bath tub after a hard day. Surely...

We all know how to delete files, right? If you are PC user you just need to right- click file and select Delete and if you are Mac user then you need to...

The success of any company depends primarily on its employees. How can you expect your employees to do their best for your company if you do not willing...

After a relaxing vacation all you want is a little more vacation days, right? You need a break from the vacation in order to prepare for a hard days at...

The most important thing we all have is our health. What is worth all the wealth in the world if we are too sick to enjoy it? But sadly, if you get sick...

After you have had a good night’s sleep you are ready to face the world and the hard day ahead. But have you ever noticed that sometimes after waking...

Modern technology has given us a lot of benefits but also many threats. Do you take every possible measure you can to ensure the safety of your business...

Every year more and more people suffer from allergies. Most common allergies include dust, mould, pollen and pets, but actually it is incredible how many...

How many times has it happened to you that you can see in your mind what person was wearing during your conversation while at the same time you can’t...

We wait for our holidays all year round. We imagine every single aspect of it and plan every moment. Even now you can imagine how it would be to feel sand...