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There has never been a better time start a business, or boost your business than right now. There are so many tools on offer, thanks to developments in hardware and software and it’s easy to get delusions of grandeur before you’ve even started. So, with all these amazing tools on offer, how do you use them correctly? Well – it all starts with your website. You might have a physical storefront, or you might not. It doesn’t matter because either way, you’ll need a website to get started with using modern technology for business. A...

We have all got our favourite bloggers and vloggers, and take time out of our day to regularly tune in to listen or read about what is on their mind, what they want to talk about and what they feel we should be taking notice of. Think about recent big news stories or scandals: the chances are that your favourite blogger or vlogger put together a piece that explained their thoughts, how they thought the news story or scandal would affect the world and why they thought we should all be taking notice of it and either negating the subject...

Ever been on a date, and the theme of conversation swings towards politics and you had to carefully watch your tongue as to what it is you say, just in-case the person you are on a date with shares opposing political view as you? Well that is the problem that websites that cater were facing on dates. The website was created with the aim of eliminating the discrimination and intolerance to political views and it comes with just a one-time payment of about $160 ($159.99 to be precise), members can sign up for up to a year. Politics is always...

The most fortunate thing about blog promotion is that most of the tools necessary for such are free. Different experts have device numerous blog marketing strategies that can project your blog from nothing to the top. The following are the best possible blog promotion tips and ideas that can benefit you right away; #1 Post frequently Posting more credible contents on your blog can boost your traffic sharply, and the reason being that each new post you make will serve as a new entry point for search engines to locate your blog easily....

There is no magic wand when it comes to successful email marketing, so you really do have to do your homework in the subject. What is working in the email marketing space right now? What trends are emerging? You need to keep your finger on the pulse to keep up with this ever-growing, moving beast. It will not come as any surprise that many businesses struggle with email marketing, with some re-occurring patterns in terms of what people specifically find challenging. The infographic below outlines the 7 biggest challenges that marketers...

If you are a small business or someone who uses a laptop or PC for personal use then you won’t have an IT department or expert to help you select the right options when to comes to backing up your files. Why do I need to back up my files? Now, this is an interesting question and if you’ve never lost an important file before then you won’t have gone through the pain of trying in vain to recover it. There are tears in the eyes of students in universities across the world every day upon realization that the work they have spent all...

There’s no denying that the current landscape of healthcare and medicine is foreign when contrasted with the medical world which existed a mere century or even fifty years before it. There’s also no denying that the rapid, exponential expansion of technology and digital advancements have made this progression in the medical and health industry possible. Technology affects every aspect of our lives in ways that are hard to fully comprehend, and it’s especially hard to note the impact it’s had on our very ability to enjoy healthy,...

One of the most devious forms of identity theft, ‘phishing’ is designed to trick you into divulging personal data by clicking onto fraudulent links and submitting information to illegitimate websites. The technique appears to be growing in popularity among hackers who use false emails and fake websites in an attempt to steal your data, typically passwords and financial information. Once your security has been breached, the criminals will be able to commit all manner of identity theft, while your good name and credit rating is put...

There are always gift card scams, especially near big holidays such as Valentine’s Day. But by following our simple tips below you will know exactly what to watch out for. In case you are the one receiving gifts cards and you don’t know what to buy with them, you can always get cash in gift cards online Scam 1 – This is a pretty clever scam and it’s not easy to spot Thieves have a way to take your voucher balance from your card, particularly if you buy the card from an in-store display rack. The scam artist will write down...

The internet has done the world some amazing favors over the years. It is the one tool that has meant we are more connected with each other than ever before – whether in a professional sense or a personal sense. Social media means that everyone has a voice and a platform on which to share it, and we use the internet to buy and trade on too. But there is also a darker side to the web, one that can sometimes result in a breach of our personal security. Trained criminals can target individuals on the web, hacking into accounts, trolling...