With the reports uncertain that Galaxy Note may or may not come to AT&T, PocketNow has revealed the first seems to be original press images for the...

Amazon’s LOVEFILM confirms the report yesterday that it soon to stream the BBC Worldwide content including the vast archive of shows, celebrated programmes...

With the recent survey conducted by MocoSpace, a mobile gaming company, it was confirmed that Gamers are spending more time on mobile phones playing games...

Hacker School, an initiative started by David Albert, Nicholas Bergson-Shilcock and Sonali Sridhar. The school is a three-month immersive school for becoming...

Kurion, the nuclear waste cleanup startup based in California, US, working on the major nuclear waste cleanup site – Fukusima in Japan, the one of...

According to 1010data’s annual assessment report, there are now more than five trillion records in the 1010data cloud, comprising of individual tables,...

Google ended the year 2011 with making an investment of $94 million in a solar photovoltaic projects bringing their total portfolio for clean energy investments...

Instagram, a free photo sharing application, announces today that when you share your Instagram photos to facebook, your photos will automatically be added...

Another memory card format is going to come up in the market, name as “XQD Memory Card”. The card is the first of its type and Sony is the first one...

Online travel company, Yatra.com has acquired an online event and entertainment portal BuzzInTown. The Buzzintown is the one-stop-shop for all information...