Staying Safe On The Road – Tips For Motorcyclists

Posted on Aug 22 2017 - 2:54pm by Editorial Staff

Riding a motorcycle is exhilarating, and for many people, two wheels will always be preferable to four. However, the roads are a dangerous place to be, especially for motorcyclists who are in a more vulnerable place than car drivers.

Accidents will always happen, and they can’t always be avoided. According to statistics,19,000 people were killed in car and motorcycle accidents on the road in the US in 2016. This doesn’t account for the thousands of people who were also injured on the road. Personal injury lawyers such as Payer & Associates are available to help people recoup the financial cost involved, but this doesn’t diminish the personal and emotional costs involved in an accident.

As a motorcyclist, there are safety tips you should follow. Read on to find out more.

Be wary of car drivers

In most cases, the car driver is at fault in motorcycle road accidents. Their common excuse is ‘I didn’t see them coming.’ For this reason, keep your eye on other car users, and be ready for acts of negligence. Being clipped by a car is enough to knock you from your bike, whether they pull out in front of you at an intersection or change lanes on the highway. Your vigilance will save your life, so pay attention to everything around you. Use your head as well as your mirrors, especially when rounding corners to make sure everything is clear.

Wear the right gear

You might want to look cool on your motorbike, but that isn’t your top priority. You need to always wear the right attire, no matter how hot the day is. Wearing a helmet is a no-brainer, but you should also wear a reinforced outfit to give you added protection in the event of an accident, and to protect you from road rash when you slide. Without the encased bubble of a car, you are also at risk of gravel and other debris hitting your face, so you need to wear goggles if you are wearing an open-faced helmet.

Check your ride

As with any vehicle, your bike needs to be maintained to ensure it is safe to ride. There are some tasks you can do yourself, such as checking tyre pressure and tightening loose bolts, but always seek the help of a qualified professional when there are mechanical failures. Make it a habit to check your motorbike on a regular basis; otherwise, you are putting yourself and other road users at risk on the road.

Avoid road rage

It sounds obvious, but in a battle with a motorist, you are going to come off worse. There will be times when other drivers annoy you, but stay cool and keep your distance in difficult situations. You may also be liable for their road rage, especially as you have the ability to weave in and out of traffic on the road. Be responsible, and respect those around you to avoid heated situations.

Final words

Enjoy riding your motorbike for as long as possible. Follow our tips, and you will minimise the risk of an accident and injury to yourself.

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Editorial Staff at I2Mag is a team of subject experts.