How To Land Your First Job

Posted on Apr 11 2017 - 6:35pm by Editorial Staff

The saying goes, “finding a job is a full-time job in itself,” and in today’s society, the job market is tough, competitive and enduring. With the competition fierce and many people applying for the same job, holding the same relevant degrees, skills and talents as you do, sometimes it’s all about luck when breaking into your chosen industry. However, jobseekers should never lose hope, which is why we’re offering a guide on how to improve your job search, CV and interviewing skills.

Relevancy is Crucial

If you do not have the desirable must-have skills and requirements a job specification is asking for, then your success rate will remain quite low. Therefore, it is ideal for you to gain experience your field is asking for. Most of the time, specific jobs will always ask for the same sort of experience and skills, therefore, once you have acquired them, your options will become more fruitful.

For example, an Editorial role will always ask for a degree in English, Creative Writing, Journalism or equivalent, an eye for detail, strong communication skills and usually hire applicants who have undergone a few internships.

Tailor Your CV

Although sending off a bulk number of CVs may seem more effective than submitting a few, it is, in fact, quite the opposite. Generic CVs (and Cover Letters) usually means your skills and experience does not specifically match up to a specific company’s job specification. Therefore, recruiters may pick someone who has shown an in-depth understanding and enthusiasm for the company over someone who looks as if they’d settle anywhere. Here are tips on how to customize your CV.

Prepare for Interviews

There is no set guide when planning for an interview. The best anyone can do is research the business, what they do, look up generic questions online and prepare answers. Once you’ve got your cheat sheet, practise in front of a mirror or ask a friend for help and advice. However, make sure you don’t become over-rehearsed and unnatural.

Remember, interviews are not there to ‘catch you out,’ but are a way for future employers to grasp an understanding of your character, personality and whether you’re as much as a fit for them as they would be for you.

Another essential element of the interview process is to ensure you are well dressed. That means ironing shirts, skirts and making sure you’re stain-free. If you lack a failsafe interview suit go to for professional tailoring.

What Next?

At the end of an interview make sure you ask when you can expect to hear from them. Once you’ve got a general idea, make sure to follow these two simple steps.

  • Be proactive and follow up. This shows enthusiasm, however, don’t make it seem as if you are desperate. A simple way of following up is sending an email thanking them for seeing you, and that you cannot wait to hear from them. This shows character, interest and appreciation.
  • Don’t stop looking for other jobs. No matter how confident you feel about your interview, you never know who else applied. Sometimes you may be an incredibly strong candidate, but someone else has a slight advantage.

Even if you prove unsuccessful, do not lose hope as each interview is an experience.

About the Author

Editorial Staff at I2Mag is a team of subject experts.