Handle With Care – An Easy Guide To Man-Gardening

Posted on Oct 17 2017 - 7:51pm by Editorial Staff

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Guys, it’s the 21st century and you can’t continue to dismiss manscaping out of hand any longer. It makes everything easier to maintain, some things more prominent, and the girls dig it. Sure, it might not be the quintessential sign of manliness, but the times are a changin. Men who don’t mow the lawn are the odd ones out nowadays. Not to hit you with the peer pressure stick, but do you want to be that guy? If you don’t, here are the things to consider before going under the trimmer.

This is your easy guide to manscaping.

Learn The Art Of Shaving

Many men (shout out to 50 Cent) think that shaving is a God-given right passed down through the ages. Unfortunately, it’s a skill, an art if you will, and you have to learn it before handling the goods. After all, they’re fragile and the slightest error could be fatal. So, to learn how to shave your balls is the first step in the right direction. Of course, you need to practice before going live. So, if you like, you can practice on an egg or a kiwi or anything that resembles the crown jewels. An excellent tip to remember is to never shave against the grain. Ouch!


Have you ever seen a gardener attack a hedge with a chainsaw? Nope because acting like a bull in a china shop is a recipe for disaster. The same goes for manscaping as there is only so much a razor can handle. If there is a couple weeks’ worth of growth down there, everything might not go smoothly. So, it’s essential to pre-trim with a beard trimmer to make the process easier. When there is less to tackle, the razor won’t get stuck in between a rock and a hard place.


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Stop The Itch

It’s inevitable that it will get itchy from time to time as the hair re-grows. But, it doesn’t have to feel like you have a sheet of asbestos down your pants. The key is to shave as close as possible without going clean cut. As soon as the whole hair follicle goes, the ants in your pants will never go away. If you prefer, ditch the razor for a trimmer and adjust the settings. As long as there isn’t a bush down there, no one is going to judge. Plus, it’s safer than taking a sharp razor to your Sourav Ganguly’s. Just make sure you clean it before tackling your beard!

After Care Treatment

Skin is sensitive, and your bits are the most delicate areas on your body. So, it’s only right they get the attention they deserve after the fact. Start by taking a shower and washing any excess hair down the drain. Then, dry up and look for the moisturizer. No, this isn’t an excuse to get freaky because you have responsibilities! Just add the cream to the red and blotchy parts and let it soak in, and, voila. Good as new.

Modern men manscaper, but be sure to handle everything with care. You only get one shot.

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Editorial Staff at I2Mag is a team of subject experts.