Green Ways To Keep Pests From Your Home

Posted on Nov 7 2014 - 9:10am by Alexandra Ashton

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When you find out that you have pest in your house you want to do anything you can to get rid of them as soon as possible. Most people choose to use chemical repellents to get rid of pest because they think that is an easiest solution. But, they can’t be more wrong. Repellents that contain chemicals may be quick and easy to use but they are not as healthy solution as you think.  In order to successfully get rid of pest these repellents contain some strong chemicals that are not only bad for pests but also to humans and environment. They can be also dangerous to your pets so you will want to keep them away with dealing with chemical repellents. Don’t risk your health or health of your family because you are too lazy to find out some another green way of keeping pests out of your home.

One of the best ways to avoid pest problem is to do everything in your power to stop it even before they happen. There are a couple of preventive measures you could do to stop pests from getting inside your home or garden. For example, you should use garbage cans that have secure lids. At night, before you go to sleep you should check your garbage cans are closed and that you don’t have any rotten fruits in your garden. That can keep flies, foxes, slugs and rodents away from your home. Not only rodents can spread diseases but they can also chew through furniture and wiring. If you want go get rid of rodents you should also try putting cotton balls soaked with minty or citrusy liquid or used kitty-litter near entry points. That will discourage them from getting inside your house. Check out this great infographic for more interesting advices about keeping pests out of your home.


About the Author

Alexandra Ashton, Communications at Neomam Studios , the UK based Infographic Agency. Alexandra is a content and design enthusiast with a keen eye for detail.