5 Swimming Safety Tips For Children

Posted on Aug 26 2015 - 11:43am by Editorial Staff


The summer heat is tough to beat without regular outings to the swimming pool. Swimming not only helps you cool your body but also provides a hearty recreation during the weekends. However, whenever accompanied by children, whether it is the pool or the beach, there are several safety measures that you might need to take. Despite of how promising they might be at swimming, you always need keep a cautionary eye on kids to avoid any serious accidents. If you’ve planned for a day full of family fun and excitement at the pool or the beach, here are some important safety tips that you must follow.

Do Not Depend Too Much On the Lifeguard

We all know that lifeguard is the first person you should seek in times of distress. But you must also remember that lifeguards have to watch over a lot of people and there might be a chance that your child might get ignored. Hence, it is important to be alert at all times and do not assume that a lifeguard might be watching your kid. Remember that your child is your responsibility and the lifeguard is just for added safety.

Educate Your Kids

Before visiting the pool or beach, it is also important that you explain the dangers of unsupervised swimming to your children. Especially when visiting public pools, they must know to stay away from the drains and must also know the dangers of getting entangled in one. Children behave more responsibly once they know the real dangers of treading near any hazardous area at the beach or pool. But at the same time, it is also important to explain the various benefits of responsible swimming so that kids do not view this activity in a negative light.

Safety Equipment is Must with Children

While pool toys are great for fun, we must know that these are not actual safety equipment. Whenever buying pool toys and pool safety equipment like floats and rings, make sure that they are of good quality and not prone to accidental leakages and deflation. The pool floats not only provide safety but also help them overcome their fear of water. However, it must also be ensured that you always keep a watchful eye on your kids and not rely on these floats too much. Although it is not mandatory that you buy some expensive swimwear for your children, but you can also buy quality swimming clothes and accessories, from websites like ProSwimwear and others. Proper swimming clothes are a must for more flexibility during swimming and to protect your children’s sensitive skin from sun and the chemicals in the water.

Learn Some First Aid Measures

Before you decide to plan an outing with children, it is important that you learn some safety measures. Especially for parents, it is essential that they know how to perform a CPR on your children. Young children tend to drown almost immediately and do not resurface to signal for help. This means there are high chances that you might have to do the emergency resuscitation yourself, if the need arises. You can also take special short-term courses on pool safety and first aid.

Beware of Hot Tubs and Cold Water

While hot tubs are intensely relaxing for adults, they can be a serious health hazard for children. Younger children have much more sensitive skin that can easily get scalded if the temperature of the hot tub is too high. It is important that you only allow older kids to play in the hot tub and properly supervise them. At the same time, playing or swimming in cold water is also dangerous as it can shock the body and make the children lose their breath. Low water temperatures can also result in increased heart rate and muscle cramps that can be extremely hazardous while swimming. Hence, it is highly important that you personally check the water temperature before allowing the kids to play in it.

Visiting the pool or the beach with kids, calls for several safety precautions. Although it may seem a little cumbersome at first, but following the above mentioned tips can ensure that, your kids stay safe while enjoying the water.

Image Credits Day Donaldson, CC BY 2.0

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Editorial Staff at I2Mag is a team of subject experts.