LG Electronics today reported its first quarter results. The company reported operating profit of KRW 350 billion ($322.88 million), net profit of KRW...

According to a report on Wired, Twitter is reportedly working on a two-factor authentication system. The publication shared that the micro-blogging giant...

With announcing Q2 2013 results, Apple reported $43.6 billion in revenue and earnings of $10.09 per share, to make the count more interesting; we have...

With rumors swinging already in air, TechCrunch reported that Google has acquired a mobile app featuring a “personalized news feed” dubbed as Wavii....

The social giant acquiring – via TechCrunch – team from HTML5 game platform Spaceport.io. Spaceport.io announced via its website that the team...

Akamai today published its quarterly “State of the Internet” report for the fourth quarter 2012 with bringing on the interesting internet speed numbers....

With revenue of $43.6 billion, and earnings of $10.09 per share for the second quarter 2013, Apple today announced the “more than doubles” capital...

Apple today reported its second quarter 2013 results with revenue of $43.6 billion in the quarter while earnings per share were $10.09. The company posted...

A tweet on Associated Press account comes up with just unprecedented national crisis news, which later the publication confirmed on saying that its Twitter...

Microsoft today announced that it is expanding the availability of both of its Surface RT devices and the Surface Pro. The company says its Surface RT...