All companies started with a dream. Dreams must be backed by a plan and plans must be backed by money. For businesses with strong potential, committed...

Health insurance is one of the things that can definitely cost a lot, but definitely necessary especially during emergencies or when you suffer health...

Cutting-back costs on fuel is easier said than done. Yet, believe it or not, it’s something achievable. Everything begins with routine maintenance and...

Forex trading might involve staring at graphs and charts all day but it still requires an understanding of the stock market. You can’t afford to walk...

There are a number of reasons to get involved in the area of alternative investments, although the most common are either for financial reasons, or just...

When times are tough we all want to save money. Since energy is one of the major expenses for any household it’s one of the first areas we turn...

Having difficult time saving money? No matter what you do, you just can’t seem to reach your target savings? Well, stop beating yourself up over it—it’s...

Starting a business can be a daunting task. There are permits to file, people to hire, and supplies to buy. There are also things that need to be done;...

The 80/20 rule may sound a bit cliché to you. The rule—also known as Pareto’s Principle—was named after an Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. In...