Bloomberg reports that Apple must face a lawsuit over claims that it had collected data from customers’ iPhones while they used applications approved...

Seems like Nokia promises of new product does not fit in the eyes of the investors that is why the Finnish mobile giant has been hit today with a class-action...

In the recent ongoing Oracle and Google legal battle, Oracle CFO and President Safra Catz made an appearance on the stand at the U.S. District Court on Friday morning, testifying for Oracle’s in its intellectual property trial against Google. Catz replied that Oracle never supplied any financial or technical resources, nor did Oracle ever consider it. “We didn’t...

With Oracle and Google ongoing legal battle, Oracle has to prepare itself to face another from the biggie, this time from Hewlett-Packard. What the information...

The U.S. International Trade Commission today ruled that Apple’s iOS violating one of Motorola Mobility’s patent relating to Android devices....

The US Department of Justice recently filed a lawsuit against Apple and several publishers alleging that they have been collaborating to raise the price...

The Verge reports that the US International Trade Commission judge has ruled out that Microsoft’s Xbox 360 infringes four of Motorola’s patents. Many of the patents cover H.264 video encoding, which is a standard. In a statement, Microsoft said it “remains confident the Commission will ultimately rule in Microsoft’s favor in this case and that...

According to the Canada’s Montreal Gazette, a local lawyer asking Canadian citizen that whoever has purchased an e-book over the last two years to come forward, as the lawyer is aiming to sue Apple on behalf of country’s citizens. The U.S. Department of Justice’s recent lawsuit (video below), claiming Apple and its publishing partners colluded to fix the prices...

The Finnish mobile giant today seen another loss but this time it is a legal battle after a regional court in Mannheim, Germany, found the Nokia had violated patents belonging to German patent firm IPCom. The decision comes a day after the company posted its Q1 2012 financial results, noting an operating loss of €1.3 billion that led to a net loss of €590 million...

A German court has ruled that the search giant has to implement filters on its popular YouTube service, by keeping an eye on the local users from uploading...