For some people working a night shift is an essential part of their job. From doctors, to transport operators, care workers and prison security guards,...

You have spent the last three or four years toiling through the week and spending sleepless nights over your coursework and assignments. You will soon...

Working as an accountant in the world of business is a career path that can as engaging as it is lucrative. It’s about more than being good with bookkeeping....

There is a segment of our society that is simply not programmed to work a traditional job. These individuals ‘go against the grain’ and avoid...

Getting a new job can bring mixed feelings. On one hand, this is brilliant: you’ve proven to be the best candidate available and someone thinks you’re...

Actress Hayley Angela Gilbert, discusses how to market yourself in the competitive world of acting. Acting is a lifestyle of commitment, motivation, always seeking exposure and networking opportunities.Most of all we need to enjoy the journey that we are on. Here are my expert opinions on what you need to work on to begin your journey as a serious working professional...

I’m sure you’ll agree that the world doesn’t reward people enough for their altruism. Some of the most financially successful people in the world...

Wouldn’t it be great to wake up in the morning, cruise around the house at your own pace and not have to worry about the traffic or anything that may...

When you first started the job you’re in now, you probably had nothing but enthusiasm. However, as time has gone on, that sunny disposition may have...

Working in the medical industry can be incredibly satisfying and very stressful. There are new and interesting challenges to confront each and every day....