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When operating a small business, you need to use lines of credit as well as available capital to solve cash flow issues. However, most startups do not have enough cash, making it necessary to obtain a business credit card. Businesses have large expenses and you do not want to be personally responsible for them. This means that funding your business expenses with your personal credit card is not a good idea. Although getting a business credit card might seem daunting, it is not that hard. Here are some tips that will come in handy: Check...

If you think that the only thing that can save you from the burden of debt is filing for bankruptcy, you are wrong. Debt settlement is another option that lets you eliminate debt quickly. However, you first need to understand the difference between debt settlement and bankruptcy. Debt settlement This option can help you to eliminate your debts by paying less money than you owe. With the help of a debt settlement company, you will be able to negotiate lower payoff amounts with your creditors. By paying a single bill to a debt settlement...

When you come into some money, or you just have money left over each month, then you might be asking yourself the very valid question of if you should invest the money or you should save it. The answer, of course, will depend a lot on what your end financial goals are, as well as your current financial situation. Doing one or the other is a much better idea than just having the money left in a current account, though. Savings is putting some money aside bit by bit, and it could be to put towards something specific. Investing is putting...

Getting a new car is always something to be excited about; and with the availability of auto loans, you tend to have more options than if you had to pay the total cost upfront. Understanding the nature of these options is actually your first step to making sure you get something that you can handle in the years to come. To aid you in your search, first get your finances in order and use a car loan interest calculator to get a solid grasp of what you can afford. Keep in mind that during your search, you’re always likely to find even...

Posted on Apr 25 2017 - 5:18pm by Editorial Staff

Investing money can be a tricky business, especially if you’ve never done it before. There are lots of ways you can invest your money but not all will be safe. For example, you couldn’t reasonably expect a large return if you choose to spend your money on gambling. Yes, you may have some fun at the casino but it’s more likely that you’ll leave with less money than you started with. So, if you want to invest your money wisely, where do you start? What is an Investment? An investment is something you put your money into or buy,...

Countryside living is becoming more and more popular due to the numerous benefits it offers over the city lifestyle. Country living isn’t for everyone, of course, but it does require a specific set of skills in order to advertise properly. Health advantages are the most basic quality that realtors promote when they speak about countryside properties, but that isn’t the only advantage and there are other things you can point out that will help you make a sale. So to turn your countryside projects from a bad idea into a lucrative investment,...

Image Source If you’re just getting into investing, you may be looking down obvious routes such as property and gold. Whilst these are often healthy and safe investments, you could make a much greater return by looking a little off the beaten track in terms of investment ideas. Here are a few lucrative examples that have been gaining popularity in the last couple years that you might not have considered. Social media A decade ago, investing in social media shares was a risky strategy. The market looked volatile with sites such as Myspace...

Picture by Pexels If you have had several years of financial misfortune recently, it’s likely that your credit score isn’t very good and, if you’re looking for a loan, to buy a house or are in need of a credit card you are likely to be rejected. Of course, this now means that you will be looking to repair your history of bad credit, but what steps do you need to take to do this? Audit your credit report It’s frustrating enough that you have to pay for the financial mistakes you have made, let alone being penalised for ones you...

Image Source – Pexels When people talk about investing in tech, people usually think of actually buying technology. To “invest in tech” is to stop buying cheap computers and save up to buy a beast that will actually last you a long time. It’s to start getting your home ready for the technological upgrades that are on the horizon. It’s to ensure you have the tech to support your business. This is the way most people use the term, anyway. But those who know about technology from a more business- and finance-oriented view know...

Image Source When you first begin a business, there is an inevitable stage where you invest some of your personal money into the enterprise. If you are opening up a large-scale business, you will usually be using some of your personal money as seed capital. You take a share of the ownership in exchange for control on the board of directors, for example. However, the line is usually clear between your personal financial stake and what the business owns and owes. It keeps things nice and simple. For those running a lifestyle business, the...