Ways To Be A Great Parent

Posted on Aug 30 2018 - 3:18pm by Editorial Staff

There are no such things as perfect parents. Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone feels guilty about things they have said or done from time to time. The key to being a great parent is not to try to be a perfect one! You will spend so much time worrying about doing something wrong that you won’t be able to enjoy the time you have with your kids, and that truly would be a shame. That time is so precious that we need to make the most of it while we have it. It doesn’t last for long. If you want to get some tips on how to be a great parent, here are some ideas to get you started.

Do As I Do

Some parents work on a ‘do as I say, not as I do’ method of parenting, but this is never a good idea. It will show children that, in reality, they can do whatever it is they want to do, even if they say otherwise. It will also show children that adults won’t necessarily always do the right thing. Although this is, of course, the case, it is a hard lesson for children to learn early on in life, and it can cause a problem with the bond between you. Therefore, the best thing to do is to practice a ‘do as I do’ way of parenting.

It can be hard at first because it will mean reassessing your behavior, how you act towards other people, and even what you say, but it is important. By doing this, you will help to raise respectful, polite, good children and you will also be able to improve yourself at the same time.

Show Love

It is essential to show your love to your children if you want to be a great parent. Never be afraid to say you love them, to hug them, to kiss them, or to hold their hand. By showing your love, they will always feel that love and know that they are in a loving home. This will help to give them the confidence to step away from that home when the time comes, knowing they will always be welcome back to it. You cannot possibly love your child too much, so keep doing it, and let them know about it.

You will be creating adults who are happy to express themselves rather than keeping things bottled up, and this is important for their mental health as well as their happiness.

Be Positive

Positive parenting should be something we all strive for, and it should be something that is easy to achieve as well. Giving your child positive experiences will help their brains to develop positively, and negative experiences will have the opposite effect. If a child grows up with memories of good things (not necessarily expensive things, but times that made them happy), then they will go on to be more positive people in life, and shine that positivity onto others. There are not many feelings that are greater than a parent finding that their child has grown into a good person, and it all starts with you and your positive attitude.

Always looking for the good in a situation is an important skill to have, and although it may take a little practice, ‘looking on the bright side’ is something that will teach your child a lot and make their adult lives much easier.

Be A Safe Place

Adults and children alike need somewhere safe to go to when they are feeling down, or they are scared, or they just need to recharge. Being that safe place for your children and ensuring that they know they can always come to you, no matter what the problem is, is a wonderful way to be a great parent. It means treating your child as an individual and not expecting them to behave in the way you might have envisaged for them. It means looking after them and keeping them safe no matter what. It is unconditional love. Making sure that your child knows they can truly be themselves around you, and that you will love them no matter what is what will help them to grow into more confident and happy adults.

Time For Yourself

To be a great parent, sometimes you have to step away and take some time for yourself. Far from being a selfish thing to do, this ‘me time’ is the ideal way to take a little time to de-stress and reset. Parenting is not easy, and sometimes when it all feels as though it is getting too much, a short time to yourself is the best thing to do. It could be a spa day or booking a relaxing massage. You might want an hour to yourself to do some online shopping to buy something just for you. You could take a few moments outside to vape with the best e-juice. Reading a book, listening to music, going for a walk, heading away for a long weekend with a babysitter to care for the little ones, these things will all help make you a better parent.


Communication is the key to so much in life that it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it also helps to make you a great parent. You need to not only talk to your child about both trivial and important things but also to listen to them when they want to talk to you. Even if what they are saying seems small and perhaps even insignificant, if you make sure you are attentive and listen carefully, then they will be more likely to come to you when they have something bigger and more important to say.

Communication also helps with brain integration. Brain integration means that different parts of the brain work together in harmony, and when a child’s brain integration occurs, they will be less likely to have tantrums and cause arguments. It will also make your child much more cooperative in general, allowing them more space to learn and grow.

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Editorial Staff at I2Mag is a team of subject experts.