Find Out Why Your Website Content Sucks (And How To Fix It)

Posted on Oct 21 2015 - 7:46pm by Editorial Staff

Many website owners spend a lot of time ensuring the design and layout of their pages are perfect. They will check that their site loads up fine on both desktop and mobile devices. They’ll even have some people test the accessibility of their pages.

Carrying out such tasks is an important part of building a website or refreshing an existing one. But, the one thing that some people forget about is their site’s content. You might not know it, but page content is an important ranking factor with search engines.

If your website content sucks, it’s likely you will get little to no visitors on your site. Should that paint a familiar portrait, don’t worry because all is not lost! Today I will share with you some tips on how you can improve your website content. By following this guide, you’ll soon have a better ranking site:

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Optimize your content above the fold

In case you wondered, “above the fold” refers to the content you first see when a Web page loads in your browser. In essence, it’s the text and multimedia you see before you have to scroll down.

You need to make sure that your content above the fold is eye-catching and relevant. It should also tell your visitors what the page is about before they start scrolling.

From an SEO perspective, you should also make sure that visible content is quick to load. That means reducing the size of images, and loading JavaScript items later.

Put yourself in the mindset of your visitors

You will no doubt have an idea in mind of what content you want on your website. You may also want a particular design or layout for your pages. But, have you ever put yourself in the mindset of your website visitors?

If not, it’s something that you need to do! For instance, what is it they search for when they come across sites like yours? Tools like Keyword Canine 3.0 can help you answer that question. And what devices do they use the most to visit your site? Google Analytics is your friend here!

You should consider asking a select group of people to “test” your website. Let them explore it and give you feedback on what they like and dislike about it. The answers may surprise you, but make perfect sense when you think about them.

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Get your text written by a copywriter

Do you have a poor grasp of written English? If that’s the case, you should pay a copywriter to produce some quality text content. Their job is to make text sound attractive and grab the reader’s attention. Let’s face it; you will want your visitors to do something after they’ve been on your website.

For example, you may want them to subscribe to your mailing list. Or you might wish them to buy some products and services online.

You need to give people a reason to stay on your site. Copywriters can help you keep those folks hooked and eager for more juicy content!

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About the Author

Editorial Staff at I2Mag is a team of subject experts.