Will The Xbox One Be Your Overly Attached Girlfriend? (Infographic)

Posted on Jul 20 2013 - 3:48pm by Alexandra Ashton

You already know its name and the crazy control features Microsoft wanted to impose with it: we are talking about the new console Xbox One. After knowing more about it and looking at it closely, today we can definitively say that the device is strangely similar to an overly attached girlfriend… First of all, it has a face, gesture and voicerecognition system, which will allow it to identify you and always know what you are doing while you are near the console.

Then, it wants to be everything for you: the ultimate entertainment center, because “you don’t need anything else to have fun, just her”. The new Xbox will integrate several services in a single device like games, television, Internet, music or even Skype. “She” is even multifunctional, like a real girl, since you can use more than one service simultaneously with the system Snap Mode, viewing different applications on the same screen.

And why would you need anything else when you have games like Fifa 14, Forza 5, NBA Live 14, UFC or Call of Duty: Ghosts?All you need is your amazing Xbox, who will always be there tracking your every move and making you dump that old Xbox 360 for good. She even changed a lot of her old rules, like the mandatory Internet connection or the restrictions on digital rights management, to show you she could make this relationship work… Now, all she needs is you and to improve your gaming experience, in order to make you the happiest gamer on Earth.

Although the industry and the players reacted very badly to the announcement of the first features, now the relationship between Microsoft and the users seems more peaceful. At least, north-American gamers have already pre-ordered every Xbox One available on Amazon. We guess they like overly attached “girls”…

Will the Xbox One Be Your Overly Attached Girlfriend?

Will the Xbox One Be Your Overly Attached Girlfriend? ; Credit: Kensington

About the Author

Alexandra Ashton, Communications at Neomam Studios , the UK based Infographic Agency. Alexandra is a content and design enthusiast with a keen eye for detail.