Color is important in life. People spend time designing their indoor and outdoor living spaces using color palettes that appeal to them. You choose clothing,...

If you love gardening then you have been surely been dreaming about having a garden you will be proud of. Garden that will attract admiring glances of...

A good work environment needs to have the right color scheme. Color gives different types of impressions on people who work in a particular area. They...

Google revealed that it has updated its Spreadsheets with data locking, enhanced search by adding “protected ranges” to the documents, means now you...

Microsoft updates the world with mentioning that the company is aware of the color space issue w/ some Xbox video apps and is working on its fixture. The company last updated about Xbox 360 to its users in December brought with a problem with color output for some. The company’s Xbox division, Director of Programming, Larry Hyrb, tweeted about the issue. The problem...