If you are trying to battle alcoholism in your life, then you are well aware of how tough this battle is. You are constantly tempted to fall back into...

Everyone who runs a delivery business will need to be careful about matters concerning their drivers. That is especially the case if you suspect the might...

The Department of Health and Human Services believes that alcohol use plays a role in between 20 and 40 percent of urban hospital admissions. Heavy...

If one of you or your spouse’s parents or other family members is an alcoholic, you or your spouse will be at a greater risk for developing an issue...

Researchers from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business fitted 205 participants between the ages of 18 and 85 with BlackBerry devices in and around the German city of Würtzburg, haeded by Wilhelm Hofmann. Seven times a day over 14 hours for seven consecutive days, the participants were asked to message whether they were experiencing a desire at that moment...