How To Become A Straight-A Student

Posted on Jan 10 2014 - 10:15am by Kay Bassett


Some students are ‘naturals’. They’re able to ink an essay within an hour and hit 100%. They’re able to climb out of bed moments before an exam and finish ten minutes early with impeccable grades. Unfortunately these people are rare. Like the rest of us it’s likely you’ll find becoming a straight A student means many unforgiving hours of revision, self-doubt and the occasional sleepless night.

The following list of tips will help you on your way to getting those As.

Stay motivated

Perhaps you’re driven by the thought of reaching the Ivy League or your heart is set on a particular career, either way, you’ll need a sustainable balance.

Locking yourself in a room for hours, days or months may result in good grades for a while but this pattern will only result in burn out. By building a timetable for study and play you’ll find the ideal balance and inch toward your goals … without losing friends in the process.

Organisation is key

Like they say, a messy house is a messy mind. Having a clean, quiet area where you can lay out all of your books and work in peace means your mind will also be organised. Use a calendar on the wall to mark down exams, essay due dates and your work/play plan so that you can prepare for what is ahead as well as having a positive, clutter-free mind in the present.

Remember revision

Constantly filling your head with new knowledge will only confuse and fluster you when it comes to exams and assessments. It’s important to learn and revise at an intelligent pace. For example strive to learn for an hour before revising the material for 15-30 minutes a few days later. Enlist the help of a friend and test yourself on the subject matter over the coming weeks and see just how much you have remembered.

Learn your learning style

When it comes to revising, everyone is a bit different. Some students prefer to read, memorise and copy. Others need visual aids, such as pictures or diagrams, and others learn better with music and audio aids. It is only by practising different ways of learning and revising that you’ll discover your best method. Physical aids such as revision cards and mental aids such as mnemonics are also great ways to improve your memory.

Ask for help

Your teachers are there to help and guide you so don’t be afraid to ask questions. Giving them drafts of your work to look over or asking for advice will massively benefit you. Study groups and talking to your friends will also help you gain valuable opinions and improve your knowledge. Parents can also give a different perspective and a helping hand! It is well known that the best students can relay knowledge while also being able to analyse, criticise and form opinions.

As you take your first tentative steps towards improving your grades these tips will serve as a guide. Of course, no one can guarantee success, however, with time and persistence you’ll soon start to see your grades improve, setting you on your way to becoming the star student you want to become.

With a positive attitude, the will to succeed and hard work, you really can achieve anything.

About the Author

Kay is a language teacher and writer. She has contributed to a number of education websites, notably She's also written extensively on parenting skills and the environment.