Around The World In 11 Romance Movies (Infographic)

Posted on Feb 14 2014 - 10:00am by Alexandra Ashton

Today the greatest thing you can do to yourself is to travel. Not necessarily overseas, not even necessarily Europe. You can travel the world just by listening to the comedy of Jerry Seinfeld, or you can understand yourself more in the context of other cultures in the world if you listen to how Louis C.K. analyzes the New York Culture or how Lav Diaz keenly dissects the power play in the Philippines. You can also see the other side of the world if you read books by Georges Simenon, Elmore Leonard and even by Tim Kreider. The point is: you don’t have to waste fuel to enjoy what the Louvre Museum looks like. You just have to think outside the box, imagine yourself in the cobblestones of the area you’re travelling, and bring your music with you. That my friend, must be the best form of travel the world.

Or you can also just stay in your bed, with the curtains down, and your loved one in your midst, eating with you old saltine crackers you bought together while you were looking for that Jacques Audiard movie you’re dying to see. You can stay in bed and watch movies. Romantic movies, if you will. What better way to be able to realize what Liz Lemon is feeling at the moment than analyzing New York culture by watching Woody Allen’s Manhattan? So spare yourself the leisure of travelling and go read this infographic on how to travel the world through movies.

Around the World in 11 Romance Movies

About the Author

Alexandra Ashton, Communications at Neomam Studios , the UK based Infographic Agency. Alexandra is a content and design enthusiast with a keen eye for detail.