Around The World In 31 Coffees (Infographic)

Posted on Apr 2 2014 - 9:46am by Alexandra Ashton

Miley Cyrus actually kissed Katy Perry, and liked it. Well, what Miley Cyrus might also like really is helping people in the Philippines affected by Yolanda and doing a second hosting gig at Saturday Night Live. But what she really ultimately would like is to get a cup of coffee and be able to travel the world.

That’s right. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, why would Miley Cyrus travel through a magical artificial coffee tasting event when she has all the jet fuel to waste and she can travel the world the way the previous coal-hungry irresponsible travellers did? That’s right. That’s irony, right there. You didn’t even notice it.

You also don’t notice that around you, because of globalization, have a taste of what’s available in the foreign lands. You don’t need to go far, but if you can, well, you know how to justify yourself. But until then, here’s an infographic on travelling around the world in thirty one coffees.


About the Author

Alexandra Ashton, Communications at Neomam Studios , the UK based Infographic Agency. Alexandra is a content and design enthusiast with a keen eye for detail.