7 SEO Mistakes To Avoid For Improved Rankings

Posted on Mar 27 2015 - 7:03am by Julian Hook


Any website owner knows the importance of the right SEO strategies that will lead to improvement of his/her website ranking. SEO or search engine optimization, as the name implies, is a strategy to increase the web traffic and consequently the ranking of a website in the results from search engines by providing high quality and very relevant online contents. There are many ways to achieve success in SEO, and one way is to know major SEO mistakes to avoid for improved rankings.

Here are some of them:

  • Keyword stuffing or overuse – If you do not work with producing content that obviously comprises appropriate keywords, your website could be at risk of being castigated by one of the latest updates from Google. Therefore, make sure that you have the right density for keyword use because this will allow the search engine users of finding your content. Although this does not lead to any issues or problems for the readers. Nevertheless, utilize keyword density at around 3% for the right SEO.
  • Poorly defined Metadata – whether you are creating content as an article for your blog or for a website of a company. It is crucial to make the proper optimization of the metadata and title tags of the content. Search engines utilize metadata for the identification of vital information that includes the description, title, the image linked with content and the hosting website. Failure to optimize the metadata can lead to loosing control on how the content is shown in the search engines and even social media.
  • Duplicate content – basically, this is about a content that appears in more than one URL over the internet. If there are several contents that are identical on the Internet, it will be difficult for the search engines to make a decision of which version is more appropriate to a certain search query. Duplicate content can lead to loss of web traffic and possibility of descending in web rankings.
  • Missing header tags – header tags are texts present in the structure of the content. These are usually utilized as on-page title text or paragraph headers. It is significant for you to ensure that you optimize these texts for use with search engines because they consider these as indicative of your website and what it is all about. If you do not put these tags or if they are missing, you also miss a factor in communicating your content with the search engine crawlers and your ranking and traffic can be affected.
  • Content isn’t always king – SEO may be all about creating content, but the content is not always the answer. Content is just a means to attract traffic. Consider getting them from SEO Syracuse. Indeed, good content can help you attract more online readers, but do not solely focus on creating content. There are other factors to consider if you wish to increase and drive traffic to your site like the web design.
  • Don’t ignore internal pages – as you optimize your website to go up in search engines, you will most likely place emphasis on the code on every page of your website. Many forget about creating links to the internal pages. Keep in mind that search engines ranks websites as a whole, not only by web pages.
  • Spammy back links – spammy or bad links have negative impacts for you, the owner of the website. Search engines penalize websites who have numerous bad links.

Considering the factors that can negatively affect your website is another means of knowing how to drive the traffic and raise the ranking of your website. Try doing the above methods and see how your ranking rise up.

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