Automation is often associated with replacing human workers with machines, but actually many processes in today’s manufacturing that utilizes automation...

Mobile app testing is crucial to guarantee user satisfaction. Testing on larger understanding is an inherent part of software development process and...

Advancements in technology have made life easier than it used to be in the formative years. According to boatactuators site, one of the most remarkable...

Home automation is one of the fastest growing markets with industry experts predicting that by the end of 2014 17% of US homes and 11% of UK homes will...

There are many stuff out there in the market and those that are given attention by the people are usually too few, such as The Game of Thrones and Bob’s...

The Agile software development approach is premised upon interactive, iterative and incremental development. As the name suggests, this approach emphasizes...

Marketing has transformed from being sales oriented to customer oriented. The marketing tools employed in the 21st century are becoming increasingly customer...

Oracle Oracle announced that it has acquired cloud-based marketing automation company Eloqua for $23.50 per share price or approximately $871 million....