Guide To Electric Car Etiquette (Infographic)

Posted on Mar 14 2014 - 9:38am by Alexandra Ashton

People might ask, “If we had so many smart people, why did we still have so many wars?” A good question and not a surprising one. Because in this world where the only currency that generates change seemingly quickly is the currency of promotion of war. But we’ve had enough of that, or at least those people in the Philippines who are just recently celebrating the first non-bloody peaceful revolution that trumped a dictator and that many countries emulated with tears in their eyes. We’ve had enough of that, so much that we’ve invented new alternatives.

One of the best alternatives mankind has invented is the electric cars. Have you owned one now? You should, because they’re amazing. They emit low pollution count to society, and they’re amazing to boast about because it means you just have to plug in your car to an outlet and you don’t have to buy fuel anymore. Amazing! This infographic will tell you more about how to own an electric car.


About the Author

Alexandra Ashton, Communications at Neomam Studios , the UK based Infographic Agency. Alexandra is a content and design enthusiast with a keen eye for detail.