Extreme Negotiations: Implement Smart Strategies

Posted on Aug 26 2013 - 12:15pm by Davis Miller


The business world can be an extremely tough business, and we can’t always expect for things to go our way all the time. These situations seem frightening and you may have the impression that every minute passed is similar to a whole hour of agony. Whenever you have to deal with this type of negotiations, you should repeat to yourself that every obstacle is a step forward in your career as a business owner or negotiator. Besides, there are many strategies that can help you achieve success. The most famous ones, which are used by successful negotiators, are described below, so make sure you read them carefully and remember them whenever you have to deal with an extreme negotiation.

The Russian Strategy: Obstructing Negotiations

Everybody knows that Russian negotiators have developed a habit of forcing the other party to give them what they ask for, threatening with blocking the negotiation from proceeding. This is one of the most extreme negotiation strategies, and can sometimes pay off, as it will make your counterpart understand that you stand for your goals. However, it’s also the most aggressive strategy you can turn to, so don’t count that it will work all the time. The best way of reaching an agreement is to be polite and explain to participants that their offer is inacceptable.

The Chinese Strategy: Monopolizing Time

This strategy may seem unusual and pointless, but its effects are actually surprising. Chinese negotiators are experts when it comes to taking oddly long interventions that can last up to 15 minutes, even if the established rules allow every participant to speak only 3 minutes at once. When you’re dealing with an extreme negotiation, no one will try to stop you from talking, as your counterparts will be baffled by the leadership role that you take over. However, although this strategy may work when it comes to increasing your counterparts’ attention, you also run the risk of getting the others bored, which will definitely affect the course of the negotiation.

The U.S. Strategy: The Silent Treatment

Most U.S. negotiators know that remaining silent during an extreme negotiation can be a good strategy. Despite appearances, silence is not a sign of weakness. Your counterparts will find it difficult to figure out your goals and weaknesses if you remain silent and you play your part behind the scene. This is basically a feature that characterizes the U.S., which is a silent state where no international agreement is possible.

The above mentioned strategies are extreme, and shouldn’t be tried unless everything else fails. In the following lines, we will approach another set of extreme negotiation guidelines that will help you seal a deal and achieve success.


Flinching is one of the most famous negotiation strategies used all over the world. When a price or offer doesn’t seem attractive to you, all you have to do is flinch. This way, your counterpart will begin to feel uncomfortable about his/her offer and will respond by rationalizing the price or by presenting with an immediate concession.

Bear in mind that people always ask for more than they expect

This strategy is more like a piece of advice whose results are recognized by all professional negotiators. It basically explains that negotiators face the tendency to reduce their price or offer discounts, when the other party doesn’t want to buy.

Getting as much information related to your counterparty as possible

A negotiator who finds more useful information about the other person usually wins. This tactic applies to sales people, who ask their prospects a lot of questions about their purchase. Discovering their wants and needs is essential during a negotiation, as it helps you prevent potential price objections. These questions are usually related to why the client is willing to buy such a product, what his experience is, etc.

Walk away

This strategy is a more polite version of the Russian strategy. You should walk away instead of making too many concessions or offer worthless discounts. Sometimes you may want to do whatever is possible to close a deal, but pushing the limit is not a very good choice. Besides, remember that you will also find another person to sell your products or services to, so attending another negotiation is only a matter of time.

Photo Credit: Flickr/Stefan Erschwendner

About the Author

Davis Miller is an experienced writer with interest in small business, technology, and gadgets. He has written several high quality articles at many websites. He spends his free time in reading books and watching movies.