50 Insane Facts About Bitcoin (Infographic)

Posted on Mar 7 2014 - 10:20am by Alexandra Ashton

Our world is a constant changing element that knows no certainty whatsoever in terms of its future. Our world, as Einstein would put it, has no time. Our world is where humans celebrate Valentines’ when the origin of the event is from the beheading and head-hunting of men. It’s an insane world, and the fact that Bitcoin is part of our world, our existence, daily list of things to be anxious about and our daily struggle, doesn’t really help one bit.

But hey, there’s so much TV Show episodes to watch from Steven Spielberg and there’s at least still five times of rewatching the Wire left in your to-do list, so these things about Bitcoin should bother you not one bit, my friend. Why would you waste your time on Bitcoin when there’s so much fun to have in watching Sochi Olympics and ignoring that your bank account no longer works because of bitcoin?  But you get yourself ready in case all systems go down. So, learn the insanity of Bitcoin here in this infographic, then go to the nearest armor store and buy the cheapest form of defense, which is courage.


About the Author

Alexandra Ashton, Communications at Neomam Studios , the UK based Infographic Agency. Alexandra is a content and design enthusiast with a keen eye for detail.