5 Creative Uses Of RFID Tags

Posted on Dec 21 2017 - 5:28pm by Editorial Staff

You know that radio frequency identification (RFID) uses tags to store and transmit data. This makes it incredibly useful for monitoring and tracking items, people, material, fleets, etc., as well as making inventory management a smoother process. Let’s take a look at some exciting and creative ways people have used RFID tags that make them a bit more fun.

Fitting Rooms

Back in 2013, “smart fitting room” concepts were beginning to blossom. Each fitting room is designed with a fixed RFID reader and tablet. Customers scan their apparel, and the tablet shows them more information and lets you find a different size. (Saving you time shopping around for a different size.) Smart fitting rooms have been a savvy investment for store owners, as well. Knowing where your products are at all times prevents them from being stolen or having tags switched… means more sales.

Fashion developers and retailers have studied the data to make more obvious conclusions about what they make and sell. Thanks to RFID readers, we can look at the clothes that were tried on – but not bought… versus clothes that were tried on and purchased. (Developers and retailers then create and over-stock items of the latter.)


Firefighters with RFID tags? Yes. Personally, there is no better use of RFID tags than using them to keep firefighters safe. The whereabouts of brave souls who wear this tag will always be known – saving lives in the case of a ceiling collapsing, floor caving in, or some other potentially fatal emergency. (Can you think of a better use for RFID chips than saving lives?)

Casino Royale

What would you do if you lost $1.5M? That almost happened to the Bellagio in 2010. Anthony Carleo walked out of the casino with $1.5M worth of chips. Once Bellagio owners noticed those chips were missing—thanks to RFID tags–, those chips were deactivated – rendering them useless.

Using these, casinos track which tables and games make or lose them money. Everyone’s known now for years that casinos scrutinize your every move, watch where you spend your money, how much you spend, and can “trick” you into staying at a game longer. RFID tags are just one way for casinos to keep their surveillance team on you (which is why I stay out of Vegas).

Heavy-equipment tracking

Asset tracking is undoubtedly useful for transportation out on the road. Keeping track of fleets and ensuring they arrive on time is essential for a thriving business. You know, however, that it’s also beneficial on job sites, warehouses and yards. Thanks to LoRa GPS asset trackers (which signals’ reach up to 30 meters or 15km) they make it easier for you to know where your heavy equipment is.

RFID-proof wallets

Credit cards, debit cards and U.S. passports come with EMV chips. (Making “insert” payments at stores more convenient for us consumers.) Because RFID relies on radio frequency to communicate, these signals can be intercepted. This makes it easy for anyone with a homemade RFID reader to scan you, retrieve your account information, and steal your money. As has happened in the past. Luckily, manufacturers have designed an RFID-blocking wallet.


It’s true: When it comes to technology, the sky is truly the limit in today’s world. RFID tags are no exceptions. However, it isn’t just retailers, companies and casinos that benefit from RFID tags.

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Editorial Staff at I2Mag is a team of subject experts.